These high school study tips will get you in the right direction to get prepared for your final exams, or just for your average, everyday quiz.
Study Alone. Unless you've got a couple of friends who are super-serious about getting down to business, stay away from group study because they may get off-topic pretty quickly.
The place where you study should be quiet, comfortable and free from distractions. Go to your room, close the door and kill as many distractions as possible—like music, television, and even the internet and your phone. If you don't have your own room, consider studying at the library instead.
Eat healthy while you study. If you want to stay sharp while you study, stay away from junk food(垃圾食品). Instead, take studying-friendly foods like dark leafy greens, whole grains, milk, and seafood.They won't help you in the long run. You can instead eat a banana or an apple.
Study all term long. You may always wish to put off studying till the last minute, especially if you tell yourself that anything you try to memorize earlier on won't really stay in your brain. That's not true. Take some time throughout the term to review all of your notes and re-read important passages in your textbook.
A. Get everything you need.
B. Create a perfect study area.
C. Say no to caffeine or energy drinks.
D. Having trouble getting serious about studying for a test?
E. Save the social time till after you've handed in your test.
F. Having no idea what to expect in your first year of high school?
G. It might seem boring, but it'll really keep all those facts in your brain on test day.